HND Photography Student

A weblog following my progression towards HND Photography in 2005 & 2006

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Deadline missed

There goes a deadline. Although I managed to complete the Essay (which was ready at the end of last year), and I have been printing the Black & White films that I have processed, no progress with the missing tutor, and therefore about 75% of my work hasn't even been viewed yet.

Pissed off? You bet...

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Unit 17 - studio image

It's likely that I'll use the image below for my studio image for Unit 17.

This was actually a double-exposure (unintended), but it works really well.

At the moment, I can only print monochrome (and dish processing at that) due to the situation at college.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Unit 17 - Noseratu

Remember this post about influences for the Unit 17 shoot? Well this is how the shot actually came out:

(The medium-sized shot I uploaded to Flickr was too large to post - the shot in all its glory can be viewed here)

I'm not sure how it works, but I like it anyway. There are others, and I will post them progressively.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Unit 17 - first Negs

Tonight, I at last got around to developing the first Black and White Negatives from my Unit 17 Studio shoot, way back in November. Unfortunately, there seems to have been some kind of problem, and both films display fogging. However, there plenty of images that are OK, and a few more that can be salvaged.

As soon as they are scanned, I will upload to Flickr and post a couple here along with a link for the set.

However, there's no sign of our tutor at college, no sign of any alternative provisions from the College and therefore no way my colour stuff will be processed. And the deadline for this Unit is 2 weeks away...