HND Photography Student

A weblog following my progression towards HND Photography in 2005 & 2006

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

...the other part of the exhibition

Over the past few weeks, I've been working on some artwork to complement the photos that will be on display at my exhibition. When I first visited the Nature Reserve at Heysham, I picked up a leaflet about the reserve, produced by the Wildlife Trust, and paid for British Energy. It seemed to me to encapsulate a lot of the Greenwash and spin that has surrounded the 'debate' about Nuclear Power these past few months.

The front of the original leaflet:

British Energy/Wildlife Trust leaflet (exterior)

The inside of the original leaflet:

British Energy/Wildlife Trust leaflet (interior)

I decided to produce my own spoof version, with a view to having this as an accompaniment to the pictures. It could also carry my artists statement, and expound upon my ideas for the project. All the while, the elements of the original leaflet would be parodied by mine.

The front of my leaflet:
Final front

The inside of my leaflet:

Final inside

And now, it is complete. In fact, it's been sent to the printers, and I should have plenty to hand out and leave up for display at the exhibition itself. I'm really pleased with it, and think that it provides some depth to my work, an extra dimension that goes well with the images.

Larger, readable versions of these leaflets are available in this set on my Flickr Page.


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