HND Photography Student

A weblog following my progression towards HND Photography in 2005 & 2006

Monday, May 29, 2006

Unit 25 location shoot #3: return to Heysham

On the final leg of my Final Major Project now. I reckon I need one more shoot at each of the different locations to squeeze what I can out of this project. I then have just under a month to select and organise the printing before the exhibition.

So yesterday, I went back to Heysham and spent a few hours there. I had put this off for the preceding couple of weeks due to wet weather, but today is ideal - blue skies with some cloud, and a dry day promised.

I headed straight for the nature reserve. This time, I planned to walk between it and the nature park using a path, and to see what else I could find. I also have my Lomo LCA and a Polaroid camera as well as the digital SLR, just to see how a different approach may work.

A lot of this shoot is re-treading ground from last time - trying to broaden ideas touched upon before, as well as looking at things I knew I had missed. But I also spent quite a lot of time exploring different parts of the area - so the seafront, and the front of the power station, which is basically a huge expanse of concrete. It seems to have anticipated the rise in sea levels which will take place over the coming decades - it's very much a 'sea wall', and has the air of a fortress about it, and is a good height from the waves below. There are also lots of people fishing - presumably, not catching fish to eat, or maybe they haven't read about the levels of radioactivity in seafood caught around this part of the coast (or in the Irish Sea as a whole for that matter)?

In the end, I have had enough by the time I get back to the reserve. With hindsight, I would have perhaps taken a week off work and stayed in the area, able to spend time between sites, and then working on images later at night. It may have been more productive that way. Plus, I could have spent more time around Old Heysham, and taken in the disused Holiday Camp which has the power station as a backdrop, as will the planned Retirement Home complex which is currently being built on top of it ('Radiant Vistas' as one wag on the web has called it).

And more memory is needed! I never used to have problems running out of film - I'm sure I shot less photos when it was my primary medium. But I ran out of memory again today, and without being able to download the images, I can't do anymore. This also happened at the original shoot a few weeks ago.

I will post photos to Flickr as soon as they are processed.


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