HND Photography Student

A weblog following my progression towards HND Photography in 2005 & 2006

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Dada poem

We're looking at the context to our work, and it's not all visual.

We've been looking at Dada & Surrealism, and we created a Dada poem last night, using cut-up techniques (follow the links for background reading).

Here's my effort:

Ideal Home/Home Ideal

make them work for you using

simple. Whichever room you

found a way to make it beautifully we promise!

and papers shown on the left,

from the floors, paints, fabrics

For proof, just turn the page

love with using patterns

to translate your dreams

together the perfect look with plan to transform, you can put

our cheat’s guide to colour

our essential colour palette. into reality when you plan a

confidence. If you’ve fallen in choose any colour combination

decorating scheme – so we’ve and they’ll work together

and pictures together,

we know how hard it is

It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3 …

(This was an article in Ideal Home about some kind of decorating bilge that's all the rage these days)


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