Unit 25 ideas ...

My other idea. Like most of my ideas, it's been a line in my notebook since I originally saw something elsewhere that gave me the inspiration.
In this case, an article in the Guardian in June. Under the Freedom of Information Act, Nirex* had been forced to publish information about sites that had been considered in the 1980s for the disposal of Nuclear Waste. There were 500+ sites, scattered all over the UK in many different types of locations. What caught my eye were some specific locations: Chepstow College, the middle of Salford, the middle of Southend. As well as 45 sites in the Scottish Highlands.
So it occurred to me - what do these places look like? Innocuous? Boring? Picturesque? No doubt. The idea behind them may be stronger than the actual images themselves. The concept is the key.
This could a long term project - i.e. years long. And it may yet be that. So seeking out these places within 9 months in not viable. But no doubt the idea will change, which the Brief anticipates.
*Nirex is a government body set up by the Tories in 1982 to investigate the storage of Nuclear Waste
At 9:42 pm,
emma and me said…
that's pretty funny
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